Annandale Public School aims to provide every child with an engaging learning environment that is meaningful and challenging so that all students can achieve and thrive as learners. Every student is actively engaged in his/her learning, which is both meaningful and developmental.
Our school is focused on early intervention and evaluates and modifies learning to add value to students' learning. There is a strong focus on understanding and using evidence-based data so that every student is actively engaged in meaningful and challenging learning.
Some children require additional support and different learning experiences and opportunities to learn and develop. With our Learning and Support team, we are raising the quality of learning and wellbeing for every student by providing a range of support in our school. We provide differentiated learning which is responsive to the needs of the students.
The learning and support teachers at our school are Claire Nichols and Sally Corbett who are part of the Learning Support Team. Narelle Derwent is the Learning and Support Team Coordinator. Our learning support team consists of our school counsellor, the Principal, Assistant Principals and a teacher from every stage and the preschool.
We also have learning support officers at our school who provide in class support.
Annandale Public School uses the tiered approach that offers individual, small group or in-class support. Tiered instruction is a model in which the instruction delivered to students varies on several dimensions and is related to the nature and severity of the students' difficulties.
Tiered instruction has been proven to be especially effective for children who are at risk of learning and reading difficulties (Pullen, Tuckwiller, Konold, Maynard & Coyne, 2010; Cooke, Kretlow & Helf, 2010).
At Annandale Public School, we provide many programs with the aim of raising student expectations and enhancing the quality of learning and wellbeing for every student.