Annandale Public School

Strength Through Wisdom

Telephone02 9516 3711


APS Parents & Citizens Association

Get involved with the school community

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Annandale Public School's P&C association is a very active and social group dedicated to supporting our children and their school.

We plan and run regular events and fundraising activities, from art shows to trivia nights and fetes. We also work behind the scenes, supporting school activities such as the Learning Garden through our tireless sub-committees. It's a great way to meet parents at the school and form lifelong friendships.

There are many ways to support our P&C – here are a few ways to get started

  • Make sure you're on the mailing list - email the P&C Secretary at
  • Become a member - fill in the membership form and pay your $1 membership fee. As a member you will be eligible to stand for office and vote on motions at meetings.
  • Help out with P&C events and activities, including your class activities.
  • Come along to meetings - we meet every month, on the last Tuesday of the month, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm in the School Library. This is where we identify projects and allocate volunteers and financial resources.
  • Join a sub-committee and help coordinate an activity or issue of interest.

What does the P&C do?

We focus on the following ways of supporting our school:

  • Purchase education and school equipment, resources and aids
  • Improve our school's facilities and grounds
  • Contribute to the educational processes within our school
  • Run the school uniform shop to provide uniforms for students

Who can join the P&C?

Parents of children attending Annandale Public School and residents who are interested in the welfare of the school and live within the school district are welcome to become members.

Will being a member take lots of time?

P&C members give as much time as they can. There are no expectations. The important thing is that you become involved in some way to improve your child's school's facilities and educational services.

Some members attend P&C Meetings, assist with fundraising, help out at working bees or assist at school events such as the Big Night Out.

How do I add something to the P&C meeting agenda?

Please email the P&C Secretary at no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting, briefly explaining what the item is and your main purpose for raising it with the P&C.

How can I stay in touch with P&C news?

  • Join our private group on Facebook – message the moderator to let them know your child's teacher's name so you can be approved
  • Read the fortnightly school newsletter (sign up for eNews notifications (pdf 905 KB))
  • Make sure you are on your class rep's email contact list
  • Make sure you're on the P&C email list for meeting notifications

P&C Toolbox

Download all the guides and forms you need:

APS P&C membership form  

P&C small event checklist  

P&C volunteer register  

P&C cake stall guide  

P&C class rep list template  

The important details

Download the APS P&C constitution, rules and by-laws, and code of conduct for office bearers here.

Read our meeting agendas and minutes and motions.

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