Opening Hours and Fees
Monday to Friday during school term, 7:30am – 9:00am & 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Vacation Care during the school holidays and pupil free days, 7:30am - 6:00pm
The Centre provides before and after school care and vacation care for children aged 4-12 years, attending Annandale Public School and Preschool.
Annandale After School Centre (AASC) is a community-based centre providing care for children aged 4-12 years for almost 30 years. AASC is an Incorporated Association led by a volunteer parent-based Management Committee that works closely with Annandale Public School, and with the P&C Association, although the Centre operates autonomously and independently from the School.
We recognise that many families need a reliable, flexible facility they can utilise with confidence, and that suits their work and family situation. We understand that you are entrusting to us your most precious possession - your child – and your child's safety and happiness is our first priority.
AASC is a community-based Centre, and parents and carers are encouraged to become actively involved.