Annandale Public School

Strength Through Wisdom

Telephone02 9516 3711

Before & After School Centre

Opening Hours and Fees

Monday to Friday during school term, 7:30am – 9:00am  &  3:00pm – 6:00pm
Vacation Care during the school holidays and pupil free days, 7:30am - 6:00pm

The Centre provides before and after school care and vacation care for children aged 4-12 years, attending Annandale Public School and Preschool.
Annandale After School Centre (AASC) is a community-based centre providing care for children aged 4-12 years for almost 30 years. AASC is an Incorporated Association led by a volunteer parent-based Management Committee that works closely with Annandale Public School, and with the P&C Association, although the Centre operates autonomously and independently from the School.
We recognise that many families need a reliable, flexible facility they can utilise with confidence, and that suits their work and family situation. We understand that you are entrusting to us your most precious possession - your child – and your child's safety and happiness is our first priority.
AASC is a community-based Centre, and parents and carers are encouraged to become actively involved.

Most families will be eligible for a rebate on their fees from the Department of Human Services. For more information, visit:

Further Information and Enrolment

All interested parents are invited to call in at the Centre before or during opening hours. If you'd like to enrol, or discuss specific issues about your child, please make an appointment with Lenka on 9519 8180.

Click on the links below for more information about Aftercare or for an enrolment form, or email us.

Enrolment Form 2024

Enrolment Form 2025

Parent Handbook 2025

Parent Information Sheet

Medical Risk Minimisation Plan Template

What is Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)?

Early Years LF Flyer

My Time, Our Place

Belonging, Being, Becoming

Commitment to Child Safe Standards 1

Commitment to Child Safe Standards 2

Policies 2023-2024

AASC Policies 2023-2024